Sunless sea pigmote
Sunless sea pigmote

sunless sea pigmote

I think your problem is that you "left and did a few other things". In fact, it seems like a pretty good way to raise spirit "for free". Originally posted by slickriptide:Raising spirit by smuggling fuel/food into the ghetto does NOT consume "resolutions" as far as I can tell. My question is, do you waste dilemma resolutions if you have to repeatedly feed fuel to the cavies and then appeal to them to forgive the other side? One dilemma and then war? That seems weird and in many games that's the first time I remember that happening. I've never even had them do anything but declare dependence, but my experience has made me wary and I didn't want to see my little furry friends die again for my hubris. My guess was that stats that low would be suicide, so I had them join the Fathomking. One and only one dilemma got to the struggle between Visage, the Fathomking, and Independence. Anyhow, I left and did a few other things and came back and resolved one dilemma which brought spirit up to 10, civilization up to 4, and might up to 5. This was all on my first visit as I had plenty of fuel and stats that I brought over from my previous captain. Their civilization was fairly low and their might was meh. It too several gifts of fuel to get them to reconcile, but when they did their spirit was high. I settled the war immediately in favor of the cavies but couldn't convince them to forgive their wayward cousins. I was wondering, and maybe the more erudite members here can comment on this, but I recently met up with Lady Black and started a new game (for obvious reasons) and I found Pigmote early.

Sunless sea pigmote